Thursday 13 June 2013

Hi, my name is Kate and I'm a shopaholic

I spend far too much time lusting over items from Evil Twin. I just cannot get enough! I might be in love with these beautful garments, my bank balance however is not, so can often be found on the look out for an Ebay bargain.

Evil Twin combines girly with hippy and twists it with a rocky edge. Think lace, tie dye, sheer and metalic fabrics and you're half way there. Here are a few of my favourties......


“Precious Metal” Dress

“Zodiac Rising” Dress

“Black Salt” Tunic

“Shock Horror” Cardi
“Precious Metal” Dress
“Down & Dirty” Bra

“Shock Horror” Jumper “Prodigy” High Waisted Pants


Door Bitch Muscle Tank

Chemical Warfare Denim Shirt
Dirty Torque Stretch Pant

All images from Evil Twin

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Want Want Want

I have a serious shopping problem (and I mean serious!). When I see something I HAVE to have it, however, it has got to the point when I have zero money and zero wardrobe space. Since my ex moved out I have managed to fill his half of the sliding wardrobe (every cloud), purchased a gorgeous metal hanging rail and filled several boxes under my bed. I literally haven't got two beans to rub together until pay day so for now here is my lust list......

ONE: Evil Twin @ Urban Outfitters
THREE: Staring at Stars @ Urban Outfitters

I am in love with the Staring at stars dress. I had been drooling over it for a week online before running over to it in my local Urban Outfitters and holding it as close to me as I could. It took all of my will power not to run straight to the changing rooms and try it on. One day my love. One day.

I have tried the Dr Martens on so many times and never taken that step to the cash desk. Can't quite make up my mind if they are too chunky for me. Do you have these? What do you think?

Waiste is one of those brands I can't help but be drawn to. Denim, crochet, paisley (need I go on?!) It also happens to be the inspiration of a beautiful blogger called Sara Louise Thomas. Her style is effortless. I aspire to mix patterns as well as her (I usually end up looking like a dogs dinner).

Chelsea Doll is a one stop shop for gorgeous jewels, nail varnish, bags and gifts and just happens to be owned by my beautiful and talented friend Rachel. So many unique pieces. I dare you not to find something you just have to have!

What are you lusting over?