Monday 1 April 2013

Instagram Sunday

Hi all, I think I might have a "slight" Instagram obsession! Help! Here are a few I've posted recently...

1. New Lush lip tint from my sister sister, It Started With A Kiss.
2. Ringo being his usual charming self.
3. Beautiful new cross earrings from Primark.
4. Me and Ringo snuggling today. Lazy cats!
5. Curly Sue thanks to my lovely friend Jen.
6. Most mismatched PJs ever! Owls and leopard print anyone?!
7. Me? Naughty? Never!
8. Car boot bargain.
9. Treated myself. LOVE.
10. Goldielocks.
11. H&M necklace..... hardly taken it off!
12. Dad's charity shop find!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post,such a cute cat.^^
    I like your blog. Maybe follow each other on bloglovin???
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa
