Thursday 31 January 2013

There's No Place Like Home

People say that home is where the heart is and I can totally relate to that. Don't get me wrong, I love going on holidays and staying staying with friends but there's nothing quite like coming home. I knew I would be heading to town last night and my lovely friend offered me a place to stay (instead of paying a huge taxi bill!) Thanks Kim! Although I had a fab time (I don't know how we didn't wake her housemate up) it was nice to walk through my own front door tonight. It helps that I'm greeted by two boys excited to see their momma.

My house is small but perfectly formed (not that i'm biased or anything) and filled with a a real eclectic mix of old and new. I like 'things' and fit quite a lot of stuff into this bijoux 2 bed, pretty sure i'm a bit of a horder!

Here are a few of my favourite things........

Lamp: Antique shop in Falmouth

Whale: vintage, Phone: Ebay, The Vintage Tea Party Book: Amazon

Clock: Ebay

Ducks: Rossiters

Chair: From My Grandparents, Owl: Gift

Clothes Rail: Ikea, Picture: Charity Shop

Butterflies: Spitalfields Market, London

Clock: Closing Down Sale (similar on Ebay)

Hope you like them as much as I do!

P.S. Here's a snippet of last night......

Karaoke booth! Favourite!

Porn Star cocktails

Sleep over

Tired face

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